The Main Characteristics of Ancient Greek Statues

The first freestanding statuary was designed by the Archaic Greeks, a recognized success since until then the only carvings in existence were reliefs cut into walls and columns. Kouros figures, statues of young, good-looking male or female (kore) Greeks, made up the majority of the statues. Regarded as by Greeks to represent beauty, the kouroi were

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What You Can Visit in the Mediterranean

It is said that coastal Europe was the birthplace of modern civilization, including democracy, science, art, and wine. It is true that the “Old World” boasts thousands of years of history. If you lay in the sun on the beaches of Spain and Italy, study the historical sights of Greece and Jerusalem, or enjoy the beauty of

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The Minoan Culture: Garden Fountains

Archaeological digs in Minoan Crete in Greece have uncovered varied types of conduits. These were utilized to provide urban centers with water as well as to minimize flooding and eliminate waste material. They were for the most part made from terracotta or stone. Terracotta was employed for channels and conduits, both rectangle-shaped and spherical

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What It Takes to Arrange A Family Vacation

When it comes time to choose your family vacation, bear in mind one thing: one size does not fit all. Families change and so do their tastes and interests. It does not matter if you are traveling with a large extended family or a smaller tight-knit unit, the ideal holiday is possible for all. Let’s face it, family good quality time

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Weekend Getaways Not Far from Home

Life is short – fit in some enjoyable weekend getaways every now and then to chill out, have a good time, and get away from your daily routine. But finding the best place for such a quick trip is not always very easy. The following is a list of some perfect spots for a weekend trip you will love. New York City You can go to New Yor

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